The World Bank launched a new energy directions paper in July but continues to focus funding on fossil fuels such as natural gas
Social services
IFC to fund Nigerian shopping malls to improve food security
The Bank's private sector arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), announced in June that it will invest $124 million in Nigerian property development group, Persianas to construct at least four shopping malls, a "high growth" sector in Nigeria.
Nigerian economists bash IMF advice
February's IMF Article IV consultations in Nigeria resulted in strong criticism by the Nigerian government, central bank, the Nigeria Economic Summit Group, and economic analysts.
Nigerian law makers: World Bank loan invalid
In December the Nigerian House of Representatives declared a $300 million loan from the World Bank invalid, because the National Assembly was not consulted before the government began negotiations for the loan.
Facilitating whose power? WB and IMF policy influence in Nigeria's energy sector
Despite rhetoric to the contrary, the World Bank's energy portfolio still fails to reap the double dividend of renewable energy technologies that would tackle both energy poverty and climate change. Nigerian economic policies shaped by World Bank and IMF recommendations, policy agreements and conditionality have so far lead to a dysfunctional electricity privatisation process, a heavy and as yet unfulfilled reliance on reform of the gas sector, and the failure to make any widespread practical pr
El Banco Mundial y el Gasoducto de África Occidental
Análisis crítico sobre el gasoducto de África Occidental, un proyecto apoyado por el Banco Mundial.
The World Bank and the West Africa Gas Pipeline Project
A critical analysis of the the World Bank-supported West Africa Gas pipeline, by Michael Karipko of Environmental Rights Action, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
IFI governance
Bretton Woods Institutions should “start a new life”: Chinese central bank governor
A panel was held with southern country officials to discuss the democratic deficit at the World Bank and IMF.
Nigeria sends IMF away
The Nigerian government has cancelled its IMF programme. IMF spokesperson tests Argentinians’ sense of humour by agreeing that mistakes may be made again in the future. He explained: “that is economics. And that is why it is so much fun”.
Nigerian groups demand moratorium
In August, about 100 civil society organisations, most based in the Niger Delta, halted a consultation with Peter Woicke, Executive Vice President of the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
Nigerians condemn IFC collaboration with Shell
Niger Delta-based organisations outraged over pending World Bank loan for a joint project with Shell Oil in Nigeria, saying IFC favours profitability over local environmental and social concerns.
Nigerians condemn IFC collaboration with Shell
IFC plans for a joint project with the Shell oil company in Nigeria have been condemned by Niger Delta-based community organisations and international human rights groups.