Despite intensive efforts to implement the necessary conditions, Zambia has been told that it will have to wait even longer for debt relief.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Wolfensohn meets with Congolese groups
A videoconference was held in July to bring together Congolese organisations, international forest activists and Bank President James Wolfensohn to discuss a Bank-supported forest zoning plan for the Democratic Republic of Congo.
IFI governance
Landmark decision: Canadian company debarred
Anti-corruption campaigners are applauding the World Bank's decision to debar Acres International, a Canadian company found guilty by Lesotho courts of engaging in corrupt activities in a Bank-funded water project.
IFI governance
African Executive Directors' support fund
The African Economic Research Consortium has been awarded the contract by the sub-saharan African Executive Directors at the Bank and Fund to act as the commissioning agent for the Analytical Trust Fund.
Iraq and Ethiopia treatment shows debt relief double standards
The differing treatment given to Ethiopia and Iraq in debt relief suggest that geopolitical considerations are again outweighing internationally agreed criteria for fair debt cancellation.
World Bank pushes Malawi agriculture privatisation
World Bank manoeuvres to ensure parliamentary approval of a controversial agriculture privatisation policy demonstrates the continued influence of the Bank and the problems with Poverty and Social Impact Analysis.
Parliaments: the missing link in democratising national policy making
Across sub-saharan Africa, good governance efforts depend on the strengthening of parliamentary democracy. In sharp contrast country relations with IFIs reveal weak parliamentary engagement.
PRSPs: a continuation of structural adjustment
Debate remains over the formulation and content of PRSPs. Many analysts suggest that they continue the trajectory of structural adjustment policies.
Private Sector
Acres debarment: Litmus test for Bank on corruption
The Bank's sanctions committee has reopened the debarment case against Acres International, a Canadian firm whose conviction for bribing an official was upheld by the Lesotho appeals court last August.
Life under the IMF’s magnifying glass:
The Fund takes to micro-management in Zambia to ensure compliance with belt tightening measures, threatening civil unrest.
Congolese groups unite to demand scrutiny of forest policies
NGOs in the Democratic Republic of Congo have allied to challenge industrial logging in their country's rainforests. In February they appealed to the World Bank and other agencies to halt a plan which would make up to 60 million hectares of rainforest available to logging companies in the coming years.
IMF and poverty: strange bed fellows
The IMF's capacity and legitimacy to address poverty have been debated by many analysts within…