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Latest IMF gender research: Making the economy work for women, or women work for the economy?

IMF gender research direction shifts away from macroeconomic drivers of gender inequality.

13 July 2021



The World Bank’s investments in the Great Green Wall: A desert mirage?

World Bank commits to invest additional $5 billion in the Great Green Wall over the next five years, despite shortcomings in its existing investments in the initiative highlighted by IEG.

23 March 2021

Social services


GFF falls short on family planning

Investments by the World Bank-hosted Global Financing Facility (GFF) do not reflect the family planning priorities identified by developing countries and local communities. The GFF also continues to suffer from a lack of transparency and meaningful civil society participation, raising doubts about the new mechanism’s effectiveness.

31 January 2017 | At Issue



Clean Technology Fund (CTF)

Clean Technology Fund (CTF) funding approvals continue to rise, including private sector projects for geothermal energy. Revisions for investment plans were approved for Nigeria and the MENA region, with Libya added as a new country.

12 November 2014



Corporatising agriculture

World Bank’s Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture rankings are unlikely to benefit the world’s smallholder farmers, but could instead facilitate corporate land grabs.

9 May 2014 | At Issue



In through the back door: capacity building or concession taking?

Some of the recommendations made in the diagnostic studies of the Integrated Framework touch upon sensitive areas in development policy such as privatisation, trade liberalisation and investment and competition policy.

28 January 2004



Debt and destruction in Senegal

A new report by Demba Moussa Demb

24 November 2003



The myths and dangers of PRSPs

The myths of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers - that they are nationally owned, pro-poor, and poverty-reducing - should be debunked.

8 September 2003 | Guest comment
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Other news

IFI governance


IFC lending through financial intermediaries - a year on from the action plan, what have we learned?

Notes of a meeting on IFC lending through financial intermediaries at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014

9 October 2014
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