South Sudan



Landmark report finds attacks on human rights defenders in name of 'development' on the rise

World Bank and IFC identified as key funders of projects that endanger human rights defenders.

30 July 2019



Warming of Ethiopia-Eritrea relations puts proposed LAPSSET mega-project under microscope

Significant concerns also remain about environmental and social impacts of mega-infrastructure project partially financed by World Bank.

26 September 2018



The IMF in insecure fragile states: why being absent should no longer be an option

While there is scope to improve IMF operations in all fragile states, ahead of the forthcoming publication of the IMF IEO review of IMF work in fragile states, there is one fundamental change it must make to transform its effectiveness in fragile states: wherever it is possible, it must be present. No country should be left out.

20 March 2018 | At Issue



Debt sustainability review: Tinkering around the edges while crises loom

Despite making some positive changes, the IMF and World Bank Debt Sustainability Framework review has ignored fundamental issues, as risk of new crises persist.

6 December 2017 | Guest analysis



South Sudan born free from IFI debt

While South Sudan achieved formal independence in early July, it was not until late July that full agreement was reached that left South Sudan with no debt, apportioning all existing debts, including significant arrears to the IMF and World Bank, to Sudan alone.

14 September 2011