


The highest bidder takes it all: The World Bank's new scheme to privatise land in the Global South

World Bank Enabling the Business of Agriculture rankings prescribe land privatisation at the expense of family farmers, pastoralists, and Indigenous Peoples.

4 April 2019 | At Issue



IMF “rebuked” over role in Troika and its lending to Greece, Ireland and Portugal

IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office has found the Fund’s 2010/2011 Troika lending to Greece, Ireland and Portugal fell short in terms of surveillance, design, implementation and decision making, and described controversial decisions as appearing “rubber-stamped”.

23 September 2016



IMF influence in Europe weakening?

As eurozone crisis countries, such as Ireland, complete their loan agreements with the IMF and European lenders, the IMF looks to amend rather than end its role in Europe. Meanwhile, a European parliamentary committee is examining the lending agreements and questioning their efficacy and lack of transparency.

23 January 2014



The IFIs in 2013: year in review

The Bretton Woods Project review of the most important developments at the World Bank and IMF in 2013.

8 January 2014 | Review



IMF champions growth

As global economic risks and stagnation in major economies are expected to persist, the IMF's rhetoric is increasingly anti-austerity, reflecting changing priorities in member states. However, states where IMF policy influence is greatest, spending cuts continue.

26 June 2013



Democracy: "an enemy to the IMF"?

The legitimacy of IMF engagement with Middle East and North African nations and eurozone crisis countries continues to be heavily criticised.

8 April 2013



Eurozone meltdown: IMF providing "political cover"

As European elections show the public increasingly rejecting austerity, critics call on the IMF to focus on the flaws of the eurozone rather than austerity in country programmes.

3 July 2012

Social services


IMF in Europe: doomed to fail?

The IMF has scaled back its percentage stake in the Greek loan package but remains assertive in the eurozone, calling for more austerity raising questions over whether periphery nations will play along.

5 April 2012



Repaying bondholders while immiserating people: Ireland’s EU-IMF programme

Partly as a result of the failures of successive Irish governments, Irish people are now confronted with the same anti-democratic and immiserising consequences the IMF has imposed around the rest of the world. Opposition to the EU-IMF intervention, and to the Irish government's cutbacks (including cuts in the minimum wage and social welfare), must demand a default on bank debt and not just a reorganisation of which sectors of Irish society should bear the cost of debt repayments.

16 December 2010 | Guest comment