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IMF “rebuked” over role in Troika and its lending to Greece, Ireland and Portugal

IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office has found the Fund’s 2010/2011 Troika lending to Greece, Ireland and Portugal fell short in terms of surveillance, design, implementation and decision making, and described controversial decisions as appearing “rubber-stamped”.

23 September 2016



The IMF’s chameleon-policies on unions are changing colours

New IMF research has shown the positive impact of trade unions have on reducing income inequality, however, the Fund's own European austerity programmes indicate that the IMF ignores its own evidence.

6 July 2015 | Guest analysis


Recommended readings

Recent media articles on the IMF and the World Bank, recommended by the Bretton Woods Project

8 May 2014 | Resource



Inequality: IMF fails to listen to itself

While NGO Oxfam criticised the IMF for failing to learn lessons of the past in its approach to European austerity, IMF research on inequality produced findings opposite to IMF programme demands for borrowers.

3 October 2013



IMF influence in Europe weakening?

As eurozone crisis countries, such as Ireland, complete their loan agreements with the IMF and European lenders, the IMF looks to amend rather than end its role in Europe. Meanwhile, a European parliamentary committee is examining the lending agreements and questioning their efficacy and lack of transparency.

23 January 2014



The IFIs in 2013: year in review

The Bretton Woods Project review of the most important developments at the World Bank and IMF in 2013.

8 January 2014 | Review



IMF champions growth

As global economic risks and stagnation in major economies are expected to persist, the IMF's rhetoric is increasingly anti-austerity, reflecting changing priorities in member states. However, states where IMF policy influence is greatest, spending cuts continue.

26 June 2013



The Troika setting a "default trap"?

Controversy erupted in January after the IMF implied lenders to Greece may need to provide yet more debt relief, while the social and economic sustainability of other Troika (the lending triumvirate comprising the Fund, European Central Bank and European Commission) programmes is still in question.

13 February 2013
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Other news

IFI governance


Revolving doors: Portugal ex-minister appointed at the IMF

Former Portuguese finance minister, dubbed "fourth member of the Troika" appointed to head IMF fiscal affairs department.

31 March 2014

IFI governance


IMF names hedge fund advocate as Europe director

In late October, hedge fund advocate Antonio Borges was appointed the director of the IMF's European department.

22 November 2010
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