Private Sector
The IMF and PPPs: A master class in double-speak
As IMF warns of fiscal risks to PPPs, it continues to back them through policy advice and fiscal consolidation.
As IMF warns of fiscal risks to PPPs, it continues to back them through policy advice and fiscal consolidation.
The World Bank launches a new primer on PPPs and gender equality as civil society and women’s rights groups highlight concerns around risks and harmful impacts to gender equality and sustainable development.
Notes of a meeting on how to make PPPs work at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2014
The World Bank continues its strong marketing push for PPPs, despite concerns raised by IMF, IEG, civil society and the Bank’s own publications.
Initial financing for Costa Rica, Barbados, Rwanda, Bangladesh and Jamaica tied to efforts to ‘green’ PPP frameworks.
Civil society ramps up calls to move away from public-private partnerships (PPPs) with Santiago Declaration for Public Services.
Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings session on financing infrastruure in Latin America through PPPs. This session aims to discuss the main challenges pose by the widespread promotion of PPPs and its impacts in particular Latin American cases.
152 CSOs call demand World Bank halt its aggressive support of PPPs, publicaly recognise their significant risks.
New World Bank guidance on PPP legal frameworks evidence of institution’s continued reliance on PPPs as key to addressing SDG financing gap despite well-documented failures. Previous World Bank PPP contracts template criticised for incompatibility with human rights norms.
A review of the World Bank’s support for public-private partnerships by the Independent Evaluation Group reveals a lack of proven poverty impacts.
A May World Bank-led statistical operation has used a new method to estimate purchasing power parities, allowing it to more than halve the estimated number of people living on below $1.25 per day.
Notes from a meeting at the IMF/World Bank CSO Forum at the 2016 spring meetings on the role of the World Bank as standard setters for public-private partnerships.