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23 January 2014

World Bank infrastucture support: "finance as extraction"

While India is pushing for the World Bank’s Global Infrastructure Facility, the US voted against IFC support for a Saudi Arabian corporation linked to coal power and an Inspection Panel case was registered for a Nepal power transmission project. Concerns were also raised on infrastructure projects in India, Nepal and Burma.

IFI governance


17 July 2006 | Statement

European CSO open statement on governance reform of the IMF

The undersigned organisations hereby call on their governments in Europe to jointly put forward a progressive proposal for fundamental reform of the IMF that includes, at a minimum, ending inequality in decision making, opening leadership selection, and making governing bodies transparent.



25 April 2013 | Briefings

Climate Investment Funds Monitor 7

The Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) are financing instruments designed to pilot low-carbon and climate-resilient development through the multilateral development banks (MDBs). They are comprised of two trust funds - the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) and the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF).



17 June 2008

World Bank and poverty debates (II): Poverty reduction claims vindicated?

Two new World Bank working papers have rekindled the debate over how to count the poor, with the Bank asserting that even more people have been brought out of poverty in China than had previously been estimated.

IFI governance


16 September 2005 | At Issue

How much trust should we put in the funds?

In 2004, the World Bank was responsible for the disbursement of over $3 billion through the 903 trust funds that it manages. The amount of funds being channelled through trust funds looks set to take off as increased international aid commitments chase limited spending channels. Recipients of these funds may see them as manna from heaven - but if trust fund support is not additional to other aid commitments, is this an optimum use of resources or just a cacophony of voices all trying to pull t



21 November 2005

UK parliament hearings on World Bank, IMF

The UK all-party committee on international development held its evidence session on the annual meetings of the World Bank and IMF in October, with evidence heard from the Bretton Woods Project and the Rainforest Foundation, secretary of state for international development Hilary Benn, and representatives of the Treasury.

IFI governance


10 July 2006 | Statement

Declaraciòn abierta de OSC europeas sobre reforma a la gobernabilidad del FMI

Bajo los auspicios de la décimo tercera revisión de cuotas en el Fondo Monetario Internacional, se ha producido una creciente discusión acerca de la modificación al régimen de gobernabilidad de la institución. Organizaciones de la sociedad civil europea suscriben una declaración exhortando a que sus gobiernos presenten conjuntamente una propuesta progresista para una reforma fundamental del FMI.

IFI governance


12 July 2006 | Statement

Offene Stellungnahme europäischer NGOs zur Governance Reform des IWF

Im Rahmen der 13.

IFI governance


12 July 2006 | Statement

Dichiarazione della società civile europea sulla riforma della governance del Fondo Monetario

La 13a revisione delle quote del Fondo Monetario Internazionale ha generato un forte dibattito sulla necessit

IFI governance


2 February 2007 | Reports

Bridging the democratic deficit

The IMF should implement a double majority voting system that requires the achievement of two separate majorities - one based on one-country one-vote and the other on economically weighted quotas - for any decision to be made. This paper describes this system as a state-weight double majority, reflecting the two components of the suggested approach.

IFI governance


23 April 2007 | Minutes

Highlights of UK NGO meeting with HM Treasury on IMF governance

Minutes of a consultation between UK NGOs and HM Treasury on IMF governance, 4 April 2007

IFI governance


27 April 2007 | Minutes

Reforming the governance of the IMF / World Bank

Highlights of a civil society dialogue on Bank/Fund governance during the spring meetings 2007