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IFI governance


20 October 2007

Annual Meetings 2007: Communiqués coverage

Coverage of the communiques from the G24, G7, IMFC and Development Committee at the 2007 Annual Meetings of the World Bank and IMF.



26 October 2007 | Minutes

Rethinking the governance of the IMF

Highlights of a 19 October discussion on the reform of IMF governance at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2007.

IFI governance


1 April 2008

IMF governance renovations: fresh paint while foundations rot

The shareholders of the IMF have squandered the political will for governance reform of the institution by making marginal changes that will fail to shift the balance of power.



22 April 2013 | Minutes

Bending the arc of poverty

The session focused on the World Bank's development strategy, poverty eradication goals, global inequality, and the threat of climate change.



27 November 2008

Dam wrong

A forthcoming World Bank commissioned book on large dams stresses their purported economic benefits whilst inadequately addressing serious social and environmental costs. The book is a further indicator of the Bank's preference for large dams.



16 February 2009

The IFC's massive lending increase

The financial crisis has shrunk credit availability to the private sector, including in developing countries. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) plans to step into the gap, but there are questions about the likely development impact and implementation of environmental and social safeguards.



8 October 2010 | Minutes

Civil Society Townhall Meeting with Robert Zoellick and Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Notes of the seminar of annual meetings 2010



27 October 2011 | Briefings

Climate Investment Funds Monitor 4

The Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) are financing instruments designed to pilot low-carbon and climate-resilient development through the multilateral development banks (MDBs). They are comprised of two trust funds - the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) and the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF).

IFI governance


18 November 2011 | Inside the institutions

Country classifications

A state's relationship with the IFIs and the type of assistance it receives is determined by its country classification. Some crucial types of classifications are: the World Bank's operational lending categories; the Bank's analytical categories used in the World Development Report; the IMF's operational and analytical categories, the IFC's frontier market category; the Bank's fragile state category; and the distinctions used by the Bank and IMF in deciding on and reporting success in governance



20 April 2012

Spring meetings 2012: communiqués coverage

Coverage of the communiqu

IFI governance


6 December 2012

"Cosmetic" changes to IMF governance

The IMF is about to embark on a new round of negotiations over governance reform, but acrimony persists and already-agreed changes remain unimplemented.



8 April 2013

IDA 17: Back to big infrastructure, flirting with climate finance

While donors and the World Bank focus on IDA structural reform, the proposed IDA shift towards financing infrastructure and climate adaptation raises concerns over development impacts.