Search Results for: global infrastructure facility



17 April 2009

IMF emergency loans: Greater flexibility to overcome the crisis?

Despite promising rhetoric, new IMF loans show no greater flexibility in fiscal and monetary policies because of the current crisis. The Fund is still pushing tighter fiscal policy and single-digit inflation.

Social services


17 April 2009

World Bank under fire over support for private sector health care

The debate over the World Bank's support for private sector investment in health care provision in developing countries is in the limelight again. A new report by Oxfam asserts that while the private sector can play a role in health care, evidence shows that only scaling up of private sector provision of services is likely to deliver health benefits for poor people.



17 April 2009

World Bank still supporting carbon-intensive future

The World Bank Group will kick off the revision of its energy sector strategy, which is to take place during fiscal year 2010 with an issues paper due out this autumn. US based NGO Bank Information Center (BIC) recently published World Bank Energy Sector Lending: Encouraging the World's Addiction to Fossil Fuels, a study on the World Bank's approach to energy sector investments. The assessment finds that important gains in renewable energy and energy efficiency in recent years still do not compe



20 April 2009 | Minutes

Meeting between UK NGOs and Susanna Moorehead, UK World Bank Executive Director

Minutes of a meeting between UK civil society and UK World Bank Executive Director Susanna Moorehead

IFI governance


23 April 2009 | Minutes

G20 Summit and impacts on developing countries

Summary of IMF and World Bank presentations and the discussion afterwards



23 April 2009 | Minutes

Meeting between UK civil society and Douglas Alexander, Secretary of State for International Develop

Minutes of a meeting between Douglas Alexander, Secretary of State for International Development, and UK NGOs, 21 April 2009



23 April 2009

El Banco Mundial y el FMI lanzan revisiones de transparencia

Los grupos de la sociedad civil sintiéndose muy conscientes de los problemas que tienen para ganar el acceso a la información en el Banco Mundial y el FMI, confían que las revisiones sobre la transparencia y la revelación de este año produzcan una mejora radica.

IFI governance


23 April 2009

Spring meetings 2009: communiqués coverage

Coverage of the communiqu