Search Results for: imf

Social services


27 September 2018

Civil society fights Jakarta water privatisation during Annual Meetings in Bali

The Coalition of Jakarta Residents Opposing Water Privatisation (KMMSAJ) calls for civil society groups globally to join them during Annual Meetings in Bali in protest against water privatisation



27 September 2018

Ukraine: Between a rock and IMF conditionality

Alarm bells ringing as Ukraine struggles to meet IMF conditionality on fuel prices and anti-corruption approach criticised



26 September 2018

Independent evaluations continue to lack traction at IMF

Expert panel publishes third external evaluation of IMF's accountability mechanism, finding impact of independent evaluations lacking



26 September 2018 | Inside the institutions

Carbon finance: The role of the World Bank in carbon trading markets

This Inside the Institutions looks at the role of the World Bank in carbon finance initiatives



26 September 2018

Greece exits loan programme as impacts of Troika-led austerity are revealed

As Greece exits eight-year loan programme from the Troika, new study shines light on damaging impact of Troika-imposed austerity on country’s health outcomes.



27 July 2018 | Events

Fight Inequality Alliance prepares for Annual Meetings in Bali

Fight Inequality Alliance meets in Brazil to plan action against current shocking levels of inequality and prepare for World Bank and IMF October Annual meetings in Bali, Indonesia.

IFI governance


27 July 2018

World Bank general capital increase to be formalised in October

World Bank board to formalise contentious general capital increase at October Annual Meetings



27 July 2018

The political cost of IMF programmes

As Jordan is engulfed in social unrest and political upheaval, questions are raised around the relationship between IMF conditionality and trends in instability.



24 July 2018

Mozambique and the IMF's get out of jail free card

Joseph Hanlon asks where the accountability for the Mozambique debt crisis lies and why the poor are once again paying the costs.

Social services


24 July 2018 | Guest analysis

The IMF's approach to social protection and the crisis of multilateralism

UN Special Rapporteur publishes report on IMF and social protection, calls on Fund to practice what it preaches.



23 July 2018 | Guest analysis

Pro-business agenda drives World Bank’s report on the future of work

As the World Bank publishes a report calling for labour market deregulation, global trade unions fight back.



23 July 2018

Bad news for Argentina: The cruel IMF is back

As Argentina agrees to a $50 billion IMF loan, the ghost of loans past lingers, as protests erupt and strikes begin.