Social services
Is the World Bank serious about engaging CSOs and communities
Minutes from a civil society event on civil society consultations in the health sector at the WB/IMF annual meetings.
Minutes from a civil society event on civil society consultations in the health sector at the WB/IMF annual meetings.
Minutes of an IMF consultation on fiscal transparency policy
Notes from a civil society forum on economic impact of IMF programmes in low-income countries, 10 October 2013
The IMF's involvement in the Troika is again being questioned due to Greek loan unsustainability and lack of consensus amongst the Troika members, while citizens continue to challenge the conditionality of the programme.
The Bretton Woods Project convenes meetings with World Bank and IMF executive directors (EDs) several times a year. On 17 September the Project and civil society representatives met with Gwen Hines, the UK World Bank ED. Here are the notes from the meeting.
Forecasting models are crucial to how the Fund performs its role as lender and global economic monitor, but the assumptions underpinning these models are frequently derided as unrealistic.
The Fund has had to conduct another embarrassing “U-turn” to warn of the growing risks to the stability of developing countries, while cautiously accepting the need for capital controls in principle, but not necessarily in practice.
While NGO Oxfam criticised the IMF for failing to learn lessons of the past in its approach to European austerity, IMF research on inequality produced findings opposite to IMF programme demands for borrowers.
Bretton Woods Project launches new communications including new publications and a redesigned website.