Search Results for: imf



26 June 2013

IMF-sanctioned reforms "hurting Malawians"

Voice Mohne, chair of the council for non-governmental organisations in Malawi, declared to President Joyce Banda at a May public meeting that the adoption of the "full set of IMF reforms" by Banda's government was "too much for an average Malawian to absorb", because "there is no meaningful safety net mechanism".



26 June 2013

Financial sector risks remain

A May IMF staff discussion note evaluated international efforts to address gaps in regulation of "a relatively small number of large, complex financial institutions" which remain "very difficult to regulate, supervise and resolve".

IFI governance


26 June 2013

IMF board responds to IEO assessment

Following the publication of the Fund's response to the IEO evaluation report which was endorsed by the Board in April, the IMF has published its three-part implementation plan on international reserves including a successor paper updating the Fund's 2011 work on reserve adequacy.



26 June 2013

Finally resolving debt resolution?

A March IMF policy paper examined long-standing approaches to debt crisis management including for the first time assessing the civil society proposals for a fair and transparent arbitration process.



26 June 2013

IMF champions growth

As global economic risks and stagnation in major economies are expected to persist, the IMF's rhetoric is increasingly anti-austerity, reflecting changing priorities in member states. However, states where IMF policy influence is greatest, spending cuts continue.



26 June 2013

IMF push for MENA subsidy reforms

The IMF signed a deal with Tunisia in June, after its renewed attempt to lend to Egypt failed in April, while civil society remained concerned about the legitimacy and transparency of the negotiations.



26 June 2013

IMF's labour pains

Two April IMF reports purport to present a new view on labour market policy, however, they have attracted heavy criticism from trade unions as inaccurate and flawed.



26 June 2013

Turkey pays off IMF debt

Turkey discharged its debt to the IMF in May, by paying a final installment of $421 million after decades of loans and stand-by arrangements.



25 June 2013

Pakistan needs to borrow "to repay IMF"

In late June, finance minister Ishaq Dar informed Pakistan's national assembly that the government "will have to go to the IMF" in order to repay current outstanding loan instalments to the Fund.

IFI governance


30 May 2013 | Minutes

Civil society meeting with Steve Field, UK IMF Executive Director

Minutes of CSO meeting with Steve Field UK IMF Executive Director, 9 April 2013

IFI governance


25 April 2013 | Minutes

Doing Business at the crossroads: ten years

Spring meetings side event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies on 19 April 2013