Search Results for: imf



13 February 2013

Talks on Egypt's IMF loan "still ongoing"

Negotiations on a $4.8 billion IMF loan to Egypt (see Update 83) remain stalled, although Finance Minsiter, Morsy Hegazy reiterated in January that talks are "still ongoing".



13 February 2013

IMF research on "fiscal profligacy" criticised

A January IMF working paper has accused the US of "fiscal profligacy".



13 February 2013

IMF accused of anti-China bias

The IMF's Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) published a late December evaluation that was critical of IMF concerns and advice relating to international reserves, especially the accumulation by countries of large quantities of US dollar assets.



13 February 2013

Malawians feel the pinch of IMF reforms

Demonstrations have taken place throughout Malawi prompted by the rising cost of living and the increasingly unpopular leadership of president Joyce Banda who has been closely following a US$156 million three-year programme approved in July, 2012 by the IMF's Extended Credit Facility (ECF).



13 February 2013

IMF highlights shadow banking risks

An IMF December staff discussion note from the IMF's research department, authorised by chief economist Olivier Blanchard, reveals that shadow banking now accounts for 25 per cent of global financial assets.



13 February 2013

The Troika setting a "default trap"?

Controversy erupted in January after the IMF implied lenders to Greece may need to provide yet more debt relief, while the social and economic sustainability of other Troika (the lending triumvirate comprising the Fund, European Central Bank and European Commission) programmes is still in question.



12 February 2013 | Humour

Bankspeak of the year 2012

Every year the Bretton Woods Project celebrates the best specimens of incomprehensible jargon and ridiculous rhetoric issued by World Bank and IMF staff and financial commentators in the cause of IFI business.



12 February 2013

Fund censures Argentina over inflation figures

The executive board of the IMF met in early February to assess Argentina's progress in addressing the quality of its statistical data on inflation and GDP.



12 February 2013

IMF interest waiver for LIC loans extended

In December the IMF executive board extended the temporary interest waiver on concessional loans to low-income countries (LICs) under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT), until December 2014.

IFI governance


12 February 2013

Recommended resources on the World Bank and IMF 2012

Recommended resources on the World Bank and IMF 2012



25 January 2013 | Review

The IFIs in 2012: year in review

2012 saw continued crisis in Europe, but also a turning point in the leadership selection of the World Bank. The choice of Dr Jim Yong Kim as new president, who brings a background in public health in developing countries, marked the first ever selection of a development practitioner to lead the institution. However, large bureaucracies are slow to change, as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) found out with its inability to extricate itself from the morass developing in the eurozone.



6 December 2012

IMF and the Troika: three's a crowd?

The Troika has announced another Greek debt agreement, but disputes between the Fund and its Troika partners over debt reduction remain unresolved.