Search Results for: imf



6 December 2012

IMF staff warn of risks from derivatives markets

A new IMF working paper links heavy bank trading to market risks if "financial deepening" occurs as it emerges that over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives trades are set to avoid US and European market infrastructure regulations.

IFI governance


6 December 2012

IMF names investment banker as Western Hemisphere department head

Former Mexican deputy finance minister Alejandro Werner is to head the IMF's Western Hemisphere department overseeing Latin America.



6 December 2012

Bangladesh to raise VAT under IMF pressure

The Bangladeshi government is being pressured by the IMF's Asia and Pacific department officials to implement its recommendations, including raising the VAT rate, despite opposition from local civil society organizations.



6 December 2012

IMF-Zimbabwe relations tentatively resume

In September the IMF executive board praised Zimbabwe's efforts to repay its debts to the Fund and relaxed restrictions on technical assistance.



6 December 2012

IMF and the Troika: three's a crowd?

The Troika has announced another Greek debt agreement, but disputes between the Fund and its Troika partners over debt reduction remain unresolved.



6 December 2012

Kim's World Bank strategy: real change or "PR exercise"?

The World Bank's new president Jim Yong Kim set out his vision for the institution at the Bank's annual meetings in mid October, but his desire to build a 'solutions' bank and end absolute poverty comes with few details or big changes at the Bank. Next year's replenishment of the International Development Association (IDA) will put Kim's vision to the test.



6 December 2012

Please nominate 2012 best Bankspeak and resources

Continuing a much-heralded tradition at the Bretton Woods Project, the first issue of 2013 will feature 'Bankspeak of the year' and 'resources of the year'.



6 December 2012

Pakistan loan talks despite debt cancellation calls

Talks between the IMF and Pakistan under post-programme monitoring resumed in September. Despite confidence amongst Pakistan officials in their country's capacity to repay its loans, the IMF fears the need for a second loan early next year



6 December 2012

Turkey to repay IMF debts by April

The Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, declared in September that "we will cut it [our $1.3 billion IMF debt] to zero by next April", according to Anatolia News Agency.



6 December 2012

IMF controversy: is austerity backfiring?

The IMF's shift in stance regarding easing Greece's debt burden reflects a deepening controversy about whether austerity policies are counter-productive.

IFI governance


6 December 2012

"Cosmetic" changes to IMF governance

The IMF is about to embark on a new round of negotiations over governance reform, but acrimony persists and already-agreed changes remain unimplemented.

Social services


6 December 2012

IFIs' new "house of cards" in Central and Eastern Europe

IFIs are renewing their focus on Central and Eastern European states. This comes amidst fears that growth in the region needs to be rekindled. The World Bank has promised more funding for countries at risk of instability. However, IMF loans being negotiated with Romania and Hungary have met with controversy.