Search Results for: imf



26 November 2012 | Guest comment

The IMF in Egypt: revolution or coming full circle?

The Egyptian government has finally concluded an initial loan agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) following two years of continual negotiations.



30 October 2012 | Letters

Bretton Woods Project submission to IEO evaluation

We are very pleased to see the IEO continue its excellent work reaching out to stakeholders, external parties and shareholders, while both considering its work programme and conducting evaluations. This is a vital component of the IEO’s approach that ensures well-informed and well-considered analysis.

IFI governance


18 October 2012 | Letters

IMF lending in Europe unprecedented, programmes failing

The contradictions revealed by IMF involvement in eurozone bailouts, identified in your article ("Less Cash, More Impact", The Economist, October 5th), reflect a crisis of legitimacy at the Fund.

IFI governance


16 October 2012

World Bank-IMF annual meetings 2012

Analysis, news, and about the events inside and around the World Bank/IMF annual meetings 2012. This page is being updated regularly.

IFI governance


16 October 2012

IMF's World Economic Outlook admission of flaws creates controversy

The launch of the IMF's autumn 2012 World Economic Outlook (WEO) report stimulated a controversy over economic forecasting during the annual meetings of the IMF by admitting that the Fund's models, used to dictate the terms of bailouts, were flawed.

IFI governance


13 October 2012

Annual meetings 2012: communiqués coverage

Coverage of the communiqu

IFI governance


12 October 2012 | Minutes

Citizen-Led Accountability at the World Bank Group: experiences of independent recourse mechanisms

This session aimed to gather CSO views, suggestions, and concerns on how to improve the current guidelines, including IMF consultation processes on policies, strategies, and Art. IV consultations.



12 October 2012 | Minutes

IMF consultation meeting on engagement with civil society: review and way forward

This session sought to gather CSO views, suggestions, and concerns on how to improve the current guidelines, including IMF consultation processes on policies, strategies, and Article. IV consultations

IFI governance


12 October 2012 | Minutes

Facilitating international adjustment through timely debt resolution

This session highlighted the perspectives of finance ministers, policy makers, and academics on the need to ensure timely, effective international adjustment in a manner consistent with sustained global growth and continued adherence to the system of open, dynamic international trade and payments constructed over the past 65 years.



12 October 2012 | Minutes

Doing business report rankings

This session will bring together experts from labour, development and business organizations to highlight issues and perspectives that need to be part of the review of these influential rankings.



11 October 2012 | Minutes

Global financial regulations and their Impact on major campaigns

This event was a collegial information-sharing and strategy session to explore the linkages between financial regulations and grass roots campaigns.

IFI governance


11 October 2012 | Minutes

CSO Townhall with Jim Yong Kim and Christine Lagarde

This townhall was for CSO representatives accredited to the Annual Meetings. The CSO Discussants made initial remarks on Fund and Bank policies and were followed by comments from Mr. Kim and Ms. Lagarde. This was then followed by a general discussion on issues of concern to CSO representatives.