Search Results for: imf



5 April 2012 | Guest comment

IFIs and labour markets

The G20 has ensured that the IFIs are receiving increasing resources to deal with the economic crisis. However, the institutions are resisting the drive to find new paths for world development, particularly for ensuring jobs and employment, and instead remain attached to dogmatic liberal principles and recommend the same old-fashioned liberalisation proposals that have driven the world economy to the deepest crisis since the 1930s.

IFI governance


5 April 2012

IMF gold sales money to fund loans

The IMF has approved a plan to use $2.3 billion of the profits from the sale of its gold reserves to fund concessionary lending to low-income countries.



5 April 2012

IFIs labour approach “will get us in trouble”

With global unemployment at record high levels, the IFIs’ approach to employment is being criticised for still encouraging countries to lower labour protections.

Social services


5 April 2012

IMF in Europe: doomed to fail?

The IMF has scaled back its percentage stake in the Greek loan package but remains assertive in the eurozone, calling for more austerity raising questions over whether periphery nations will play along.


5 April 2012

Peter Chowla becomes new Bretton Woods Project coordinator

We are delighted to announce that Peter Chowla is the new Bretton Woods Project coordinator. He takes over from Jesse Griffiths, who has joined the NGO European Network on Debt and Development. For the last three years Peter has been programme manager at the Project for the IMF and finance, and for three years prior to that was the project's policy and advocacy officer. Peter holds an MSc in development management from the London School of Economics, and has worked for NGOs in India and as a jou



5 April 2012

Egypt to agree IMF loan despite opposition

Egypt's interim government announced in February that they expect to sign a $3.2 billion loan deal with the IMF and state-media reported that negotiations are underway for a $1 billion loan from the World Bank.



5 April 2012

IMF's approach to financial regulation "behind the curve"

While the IMF's strategic plan for boosting its financial sector surveillance has not been published, the Fund continues to argue that developing countries need more liberal financial systems.


5 April 2012

Job vacancy: Programme Manager IMF

This leadership role is an exciting opportunity to make a real contribution to influencing international financial institutions so they work for poverty eradication and reducing inequality.

IFI governance


5 April 2012

Building alternatives BRICS by BRICS

With the future of the World Bank up for grabs in the presidency race and the IMF facing a resource crunch, many developing countries are pursuing alternatives to the Washington-based lenders, with Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa even mooting a joint BRICS Bank.



5 April 2012

IFIs must "engage with the Burmese people"

Civil society groups from Burma have written to the heads of the IMF and World Bank requesting that the IFIs involve grass roots actors in their newly revived activities in Burma and that their operational policies "guarantee maximum transparency, accountability, social inclusiveness and safeguards".



27 March 2012 | At Issue

IMF policy recommendations

IMF policy recommendations are often criticised for being too restrictive, procyclical and paying little attention to country-specific circumstances. In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, the Fund showed some policy rethinking, bringing about expectations of change. However, Rathin Roy and Raquel A. Ramos of the UNDP Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth analyse IMF policy recommendations given to developing countries and conclude that headquarters' receptiveness to new approaches has not been trans



23 March 2012 | Review

The IFIs in 2011: year in review

The deepening economic crisis in the eurozone continued to dominate headlines in 2011, with the IMF participating in controversial lending attached to austerity policies and conditionality requiring privatisation of public services, layoffs in the public sector and wage and pension cuts for vulnerable and poor people. The policies being pursued in Europe are strikingly similar to the structural adjustment programmes pushed in developing countries in the 1980s and 90s, which provided some of the