Call for critical resources on World Bank and IMF for 2017
Request for critical IMF and World Bank resources of 2017.
Request for critical IMF and World Bank resources of 2017.
The World Bank and IMF are intensifying their work on tax under the Platform for Collaboration on Tax, yet civil society is cautious about embracing tax policy advice coming from the Bretton Woods Institutions.
Despite making some positive changes, the IMF and World Bank Debt Sustainability Framework review has ignored fundamental issues, as risk of new crises persist.
The members of the new permanent working group for the Civil Society Policy Forum have been announced.
While the World Development Report (WDR) 2018 on education has some redeeming features, it is part of the Bank's longstanding very narrow view of education, and is silent on education financing.
BWP's analysis of this year's IMF and World Bank annual meetings; hopeful growth forecasts tampered by medium-term concerns, with US anti-multilateralism finally hitting Bank and Fund.
BWP analysis of the Development Committee Communiqué issued on 14 October, as part of this year's World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings.
Analysis of the IMFC communiqué, issued on 14 October, from the 2017 World Bank-IMF annual meetings, Washington DC.
BWP analysis of the G24 communiqué, issued on 12 October, from the 2017 World Bank-IMF annual meetings, Washington DC.
Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings session on the IMF's approach to inequality, 13 October.
Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings Civil Society Policy Forum session on the challenges of effective governance of the oil, gas and mining sectors in resource-rich countries.
Notes from the 2017 World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings session on the IMF's approach to fiscal space, women and work, 11 October