

Chad-Cameroon: oil and poverty reduction don’t mix

28 May 2003

Despite World Bank involvement, the Chad Cameroon petroleum project has confirmed that under authoritarian regimes there is a fundamental incompatibility between poverty alleviation objectives and oil exploitation activities.



Iraq - Bank and Fund in no man’s land

The Spring Meetings of the Bank and Fund in mid-April saw sparring between US and European ministers over when and how the institutions might get involved in Iraqi reconstruction. Discussions there and subsequently have focussed on assessments of the economic and development situation, oversight of oil revenues, debt relief and reconstruction finance.

26 May 2003

IFI governance


Bank private sector watchdog calls for stricter policing

In April a review of the social and environmental policies of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) tabled many criticisms of current practice and suggestions for improvement.

25 May 2003



Circling the wagons: World Bank-IMF-WTO coherence

The heads of the World Bank and IMF spoke to the General Council - the highest-level decision-making body of the World Trade Organisation - on 13 May on the benefits of increasing coherence between their respective agencies. Civil society groups counter that the use of the word 'coherence' is a ruse designed to bring countries in line with a set of flawed economic policies.

26 May 2003



Citizen complaint mechanisms in the World Bank Group

A brief outline of the workings of the Inspection Panel and the Compliance Adviser Ombudsman, the two principal complaint mechanisms of the World Bank.

25 May 2003 | Inside the institutions