

At the crossroads: Which way the World Bank's transport strategy?

2 July 2007

Following an IEG evaluation of the World Bank's work in transport, and delays in the release of a new Bank transport strategy, Public World director Brendan Martin asks what the Bank has learned. With spending on transport likely to increase, what direction will the Bank's transport projects take from here and who is in the driver's seat?

IFI governance


Bank replicates past hydropower mistakes?

Concerns raised about the Nam Theun 2 dam in Lao PDR, the Bujagali dam in Uganda and the Inga dam in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) suggest that the Bank may be replicating past mistakes in the flagship projects of its new generation of 'high-risk high-reward' hydropower.

2 July 2007



World Bank: avoiding deforestation but violating rights?

Alarm bells are being rung about 'avoided deforestation', the World Bank's latest tool in the fight against climate change, while a Greenpeace report has heavily criticised the Bank's failure to bring the Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) logging industry under control.

2 July 2007

IFI governance


Heated exchanges over exchange rates

The IMF executive board agreed to revise the legal framework for bilateral surveillance in June with the final text incorporating many of the safeguards demanded by developing countries but still angering the Chinese.

2 July 2007



Just say no

Member countries are increasingly rebuffing World Bank and IMF programmes, advice and even membership, with Latin American nations withdrawing from the Bank's investment arbitration mechanism.

2 July 2007

Private Sector


Honest broker? The IFC, extractive industries and affected communities

The IFC is planning to double its mining investment in Africa and increase involvement in Southeast Asia, raising civil society concerns about the rights of affected communities.

2 July 2007



The World Bank and energy

Information on the objectives, staffing, and volumes of the World Bank's energy portfolio.

2 July 2007 | Inside the institutions

Social services


Bank and Fund undermining health, education spending

A high powered working group examining the IMF and health spending found that the Fund has unduly constrained counties’ policy choices, while other recent reports accuse the World Bank and the IMF of undermining quality education. Meanwhile, the Bank’s private sector arm has stepped up its support for private schooling in Africa.

2 July 2007

Private Sector


Threats to withdraw from Bank's investment tribunal

End April the leaders of Bolivia, Venezuela, and Nicaragua agreed to withdraw from the World Bank's International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, a tribunal which rules on cases against governments brought by foreign investors.

2 July 2007



World Bank's carbon trading plans fail Africa

While the World Bank promotes the burgeoning carbon trading market as a "tool to help Africa's poor", an investigation has unearthed gross incompetence with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in which the Bank is heavily involved. A report by Oxfam points out serious inadequacies with the Bank's adaptation figures.

2 July 2007

Social services


Defending sexual and reproductive health rights

Grace Karanja of the AMANITARE secretariat in Kenya comments on the battle to defend sexual and reproductive health rights in the Bank's new health, population and nutrition strategy.

2 July 2007 | Guest comment

IFI governance


Regional programmes do not address underlying reforms: evaluation

In April, the Independent Evaluation Group released its first-ever review of the Bank's support for regional programmes, covering the period 1995 - 2005.

2 July 2007

IFI governance


From Wolfowitz to Zoellick: an opportunity lost

The worst crisis faced by the World Bank in over 60 years brought business to a halt for over six weeks. What really happened, what unfinished business remains, and what lessons have been learned?

28 June 2007