

UK complacent about World Bank failings

26 April 2010

In its annual report, the UK's Department for International Development (DFID) highlighted serious weaknesses in the World Bank's work on gender and crisis response, but overlooked failings on health, climate impacts and governance reform.



Eskom loan blackens the World Bank's name

The World Bank, Business Unity South Africa and the African National Congress got their way with a major loan for Eskom, the national power authority, despite broad based opposition from local people, the poor, community organisations, the churches, unions, and environmental and social justice NGOs locally and globally.

16 April 2010 | Guest comment



World Bank and IMF enter debate on sources of climate finance

As experts in the United Nations Advisory Group on Finance (AGF) start to scope innovative sources of climate finance, the IMF issued its own proposal, while questions loom over the governance of climate funds. Meanwhile, the Climate Investment Funds' (CIFs) Partnership Forum exposed the limitations of the Bank's engagement with civil society in developing the funds thus far.

16 April 2010



Rewriting the rules on exchange rates

The financial crisis has prompted renewed interest in reform of the international monetary system, with the role of the IMF squarely up for debate. As countries are starting to take sides for or against a comprehensive overhaul, regional initiatives may offer greater hope of change.

16 April 2010

IFI governance


Secret World Bank shake-up?

Internal reforms with potentially far reaching consequences for how the World Bank is run are underway. The proposals were developed without public consultation, and over a timeframe that allowed limited discussion with shareholder governments and stakeholders.

16 April 2010



IDA: World Bank fundraising drive begins

As officials opened discussions on donor contributions to the sixteenth replenishment of the International Development Association (IDA, the World Bank arm for low-income countries), civil society groups urged major reforms to the Bank's structure and approach.

16 April 2010



IFC's mining investments: a black hole for human rights?

A spate of human rights violations and environmental abuses by mining ventures backed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm of the World Bank, is raising alarm over the inadequacy of its social and environmental standards.

16 April 2010

Social services


IEG: World Bank neglects most water-deprived countries

A recent report by the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) finds the Bank's water lending to be overlooking the most water-stressed countries.

16 April 2010



Education strategy review: has the Bank learned its lessons?

The World Bank launched a review of its education strategy in January with a concept note setting out key challenges and principles for a sector where its activities have come under sustained criticism.

16 April 2010



Evaluation: World Bank's PSIA contribution to country capacity 'negligible'

A recent report by the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) on poverty and social impact analysis (PSIA) finds implementation problems and a "negligible" impact on developing country capacity, echoing long standing civil society critiques.

16 April 2010

IFI governance


Bank voting remains unbalanced

Small shifts in voting power at the World Bank are expected to be formally agreed at April's spring meetings, leaving high-income countries holding almost 60 per cent of the vote, with further reform put off until 2015. Meanwhile the Bank is expected to receive a smaller capital increase than it sought, which could push lending back to pre-crisis levels.

16 April 2010



IMF changing its mantra?

After four decades of promoting policies of targeting very low inflation rates and unfettered capital flows, the global financial crisis has prompted new debate over IMF ideology.

15 April 2010



IMF loans: still pinching vulnerable countries where it hurts most

Recent papers by academics and civil society reveal that the IMF's claims of reform on conditionality do not stand up to close scrutiny.

15 April 2010



World Bank energy lending causes uproar

Debate about the World Bank energy portfolio and its impacts on climate change has reached the boiling point with hundreds of civil society organisations campaigning against the Bank's $3.75 billion loan for a new coal plant in South Africa.

15 April 2010



Rethinking the IMF again

The IMF's mandate review - with a particular focus on how it can better serve large emerging markets in the areas of surveillance, crisis prevention and the international monetary system - is ignoring most developing countries and may potentially be fruitless.

15 April 2010