

Energy for the poor: World Bank urged to make a clean break

Policymakers, analysts and campaigners have said the Bank must revise its proposed energy strategy to set a clear course for reducing energy poverty and supporting low-carbon development. The credibility of the strategy is also at risk from new coal investments under consideration at the Bank

6 April 2011

IFI governance


Heading for the right choice?

The IMF has committed itself to ending European dominance of selection of its managing director, and introducing an open, merit-based and transparent process. This paper sets out the three key elements to ensuring a successful process next time: a focus on selecting the best candidate available; a clear, fair, and transparent process; and the legitimacy gained from the backing of a majority of countries as well as IMF voting shares.

6 April 2011 | At Issue



Call for debt audit as IMF austerity fails

As IMF austerity policies fail to solve Greece's debt crisis, activists call for an audit commission. Despite ongoing public protests and increasing challenges from academia, old economic principles continue to guide Fund practices.

6 April 2011



Cambodia and the limits of World Bank accountability

The World Bank Inspection Panel released an investigation report in March, which found that the Bank breached its operational policies by failing to properly design and supervise the Cambodia Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP), contributing to "grave harm" to affected families.

5 April 2011



World Bank increases extractives lending despite human rights abuses

Civil society groups have accused the World Bank of failing to foresee or respond to human rights abuses in the Bank-sponsored Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline in the Caucasus and Turkey, just as the Bank announces a boost in investments in extractive industries.

5 April 2011



UK reviews of World Bank paint a mixed picture

The UK government's review of multilateral aid endorsed the World Bank, despite identifying major institutional weaknesses.

7 April 2011



World Bank research impact questioned

World Bank evaluations of the influence of its research and reports paint a mixed picture.

6 April 2011



Industrial policy: World Bank turning the corner?

Over the past year, World Bank chief economist Justin Lin has tried to reopen debate at the Bank over whether developing country governments should adopt active industrial policies, previously taboo at the institution.

6 April 2011



Cambodians denounce World Bank-funded land grab

We are the residents of Boeung Kak in Sras Choc commune, Phnom Penh, Cambodia who submitted a complaint to the World Bank Inspection Panel in September 2009. Our land rights, including our right to register our land, were unfairly denied by the World Bank-financed land-titling project.

5 April 2011 | Guest comment

Social services


World Bank's privatisation approach to social services fails to deliver

While the Bank is developing a new social protection and labour strategy, its approach to health and continuing push for privatisation of public services have come under fire again.

5 April 2011



World Bank safeguards and independent scrutiny at risk?

Civil society groups have challenged Bank plans to rush through a new lending instrument, Program-for-Results, that would mean safeguards or equivalent standards no longer apply to a major portion of Bank lending. Meanwhile, a secretive review could strip the Bank's accountability bodies of their independence and safeguards could be scaled back for projects deemed "low risk".

5 April 2011



World Bank ignoring forest communities?

The World Bank has come under fire for its Inspection Panel's decision on the forestry sector in Liberia, while new reports from civil society groups add to the growing backlog of criticism over the Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF).

5 April 2011



World Bank seeks expanded role in climate finance despite civil society protests

As civil society organisations line up to demand a minimal role for the World Bank in the new Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Bank is pushing its Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) as a model for the GCF, despite criticism and protest at CIF projects flaring up in recipient countries.

5 April 2011

IFI governance


The World Bank's approach to gender mainstreaming

The World Bank's current approach to gender mainstreaming promotes women's empowerment as "smart economics" that serves a dual equality-development purpose. This approach, which largely ignores non-economic sources of gender inequality, has been criticised for its narrow, market-driven focus.

5 April 2011 | Inside the institutions



Gold sales: funding debt relief or IMF bureaucracy?

Preliminary IMF board discussions on the use of excess money generated through gold sales are awaited before the Fund’s spring meetings in mid April. Gold sales were completed in late December 2010, at a time of historically high gold prices, providing the Fund windfall profits of at least $2.8 billion more than projected in 2008 when the decision for gold sales was taken.

6 March 2011