Promoting, Respecting And Fulfilling Human Rights: The Challenge Before Intergovernmental Agencies
Capacity for development, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Carlos Lopes and Khalid Malik
WB/IMF roles
Taken for granted? US Proposals to Reform the World Bank’s IDA Examined
US debt campaigners are siding with the Bush administration against European leaders and other NGOs over a key source of finance for the world's 79 poorest countries. Discussions on the pros and cons of providing grants instead of loans through IDA appear deadlocked (March 2002).
WB/IMF roles
Taken for granted? US Proposals to Reform the World Bank’s IDA Examined
US debt campaigners are siding with the Bush administration against European leaders and other NGOs over a key source of finance for the world's 79 poorest countries. Discussions on the pros and cons of providing grants instead of loans through IDA appear deadlocked (March 2002).
WB/IMF roles
For richer, for poorer? G8 proposals for IMF reform
Analysis of the proposals made by the most powerful governments for reforming the IMF. Should the institution pursue financial crisis prevention and management, as well as its traditional role of macroeconomic stabilisation? How do these roles fit with its new mandate of tackling poverty reduction? (October 2001)
WB/IMF roles
For richer, for poorer? G8 proposals for IMF reform
Analysis of the proposals made by the most powerful governments for reforming the IMF. Should the institution pursue financial crisis prevention and management, as well as its traditional role of macroeconomic stabilisation? How do these roles fit with its new mandate of tackling poverty reduction? (October 2001)
Gateway cartoon
Development through the looking glass: the Knowledge Bank in Cyber-space
Briefing examining the rise of the "Knowledge Bank" and how the World Bank has been threatened by, and now taken advantage of, the internet. Paper originally prepared for Oxford International Conference on Education and Development (September 2001).
A Tower of Babel on the internet?
WB/IMF roles
IMF governance Update, February 2001
Profiling Problem Projects: Making the Case for Change at the International Finance Corporation
An analysis of the policies and projects of the World Bank Group's main private sector financing arm. CIEL and others September 2000.