
Social services


Kyrgz mine spill lessons

A serious cyanide spill at an IFC- and MIGA-backed mine this May raises questions about the Bank Group environmental procedures for mines.

15 December 1998



Conflict of interest in Bank energy initiatives

A new briefing from the Institute for Policy Studies highlights the Bank’s reluctance to take decisive action on climate change.

15 December 1998



Brazil stabilisation means cuts for key donor projects

The IMF with multilateral banks and other donors has agreed a $41bn package to help Brazil fend off international currency speculators.

15 December 1998



Chad-Cameroon pipeline appeal for support

Cameroonian and Chadian groups are appealing for support during the last few crucial months before the World Bank decides whether to support the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline project.

15 December 1998



Experts criticise Chad-Cameroon Oil Plans

Critical findings from a World Bank environmental team have set back the planned approval of World Bank support for the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline.

15 September 1998



Mining conference

A World Bank conference this July in Padang, Papua New Guinea, discussed “mining and the community in South-East Asia” but many NGOs known to represent mine-affected people were not invited.

15 September 1998

IFI governance


Forest review concession

The Bank has now accepted that its Forest Policy Implementation Review will look at effects on forests of its non-forest lending, and that its Operations Evaluation Department will do some of the field studies.

15 September 1998



MIGA pressed to reform

Friends of the Earth US and other NGOs wrote to their government representatives in April to stress that the donor discussions about providing more money for MIGA should talk about reforms first and about shifting the portfolio away from mining and fossil fuel projects such as the controversial Lihir Island goldmine in Papua New Guinea.

15 April 1998



Chad Cameroon Indecision

Following NGO scrutiny of the World Bank’s plans to support the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline scheme the Bank appears to be reconsidering its use of IDA (soft loan) money for the project.

15 January 1998

IFI governance


World Bank Plans Profitable CO2 Trading

The Kyoto climate change meeting in December brought together ministers from 160 countries to agree binding restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions.

15 January 1998