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2024 Gender IFI Summer School

Gender IFI Summer School, brings together regional and global organisations working to advance economic justice issues, particularly from a feminist perspective, to discuss the IFIs’ impact on women’s rights and wellbeing, as well as strategies and tactics to push back.

12 September 2024 | Events



Open civil society letter on WBG gender strategy update

53 civil society organisations call on the World Bank to open and robust public consultation on the World Bank’s forthcoming Gender Strategy update as the current FY16-23 strategy comes to an end.

20 December 2022 | Letters



(CLOSED) Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM) Project Lead

BWP is seeking a Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM) Project Lead to manage BWP’s ongoing GEM Project and lead BWP’s work on gender equality and women’s rights.

11 January 2024 | Recruitment



Gender progress at risk as new World Bank president enters pushing private-sector focus

New report by ActionAid UK highlights critical importance of public services that are gender responsive, while new Bank President Ajay Banaga’s private sector push signals concern for gender equality.

19 July 2023



Civil Society calls for rethink of World Bank’s ‘evolution roadmap’ as part of wider reforms to highly unequal global financial architecture

Joint civil society briefing paper highlights concerns with the World Bank’s Evolution Roadmap, and provides a series of recommendations for a Roadmap that prioritises people, participation and the planet over profit and economic growth.

3 July 2023 | Briefings



Lagging behind: World Bank and IMF rank poorly against other IFIs as their approach to macro is still gender-blind despite reform promises

Newly released ranking report on IFI gender and climate policies reflects mounting frustration with the gender-blindness of Bank and Fund, especially the Bank’s promised reform.

5 April 2023



The World Bank's approach to gender mainstreaming

This Inside the Institutions looks at the World Bank’s current approach to gender mainstreaming, reflecting on and comparing it to previous Bank approaches to addressing gender inequality.

8 December 2022 | Inside the institutions

Social services


World Bank's new gender strategy: Concerns about approach to social protection and gender-blind macroeconomic reforms remain

With the World Bank’s current gender strategy set to expire next year, care and social protection emerge as a possible focus, but CSOs remain skeptical that Bank's private sector-led approach will deliver on women's rights.

21 July 2022

Other news



3 July 2024 | Project news

Tara Povey joins the Bretton Woods Project as new Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Project Lead

Tara will continue the work of the gender team in advocacy targeting the IMF and the World Bank.



13 December 2023

New book addresses shortcomings of traditional approaches to debt and economics 

New book details the gendered effects of austerity and argues that the human rights of people living in debt-distressed countries must take precedence over creditors’ financial interests.



5 September 2023 | Events

2023 Gender IFI Summer School



4 October 2022

'Uber Files' and 'Back off BlackRock' campaign expose 'pink washing' as the heart of corporate women's economic empowerment agenda

Uber Leaks and cancelled BlackRock and UN Women partnership highlight contradiction of corporate ‘pink washing’ interests with IFI gender commitments.



6 April 2022 | Project news

The Bretton Woods Project welcomes new gender project staff

BWP is pleased to welcome Friederike Strub as our Gender Equality and Macroeconomics Lead and Amy McShane as Gender Project Officer.



13 July 2021

World Bank gender-based violence mechanism raises "serious concerns"

World Bank procurement mechanism faces questions over community engagement



16 November 2021 | Recruitment

Gender Project Officer vacancy (CLOSED)

BWP is looking for a Project Officer to support the Bretton Woods Project team in monitoring the work of the World Bank and IMF, supporting critical civil society communities, and advocating for transformational change.

IFI governance


8 October 2021 | Minutes

The role of the World Bank in combatting economic gender inequality in conflict-affected countries

Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum session on 8 October on the need for the World Bank to better address economic gender inequality in conflict-affected countries.