BWP's collection of recommended reports, briefings, CSO letters and other resources published on the World Bank and the IMF in the past year .

BWP's collection of recommended reports, briefings, CSO letters and other resources published on the World Bank and the IMF in the past year .
World Bank’s new Business-Ready (B-Ready) index offers new measures but reductionist approach, ultimately rewarding countries driving down labour rights in favour of business.
B-READY pilot 1 covering 51 countries is released, ignoring CSO concerns about the project’s flawed “private-sector first” agenda.
In 2023, BWP continued its work as a watchdog of the World Bank and the IMF, supporting and amplifying the voices of critical civil society groups to capitalise on calls for substantive change, with a focus on four advocacy areas: Gender equality and macroeconomics, the environment, governance reform and accountability, and financialisation and human rights.
As every year, BWP published its collection of reports, briefings, CSO letters and other resources with a critical angle published in the past year on the World Bank and the IMF.
Bretton Woods Project publishes its selection of the best books, reports and other resources on the World Bank and IMF from 2022.
The World Bank released a concept note of Doing Business report replacement, B-Ready project, ignoring civil society demands of an independent evaluation.
Over 60 per cent of low-income countries and more than 25 percent of emerging market economies are in or at risk of debt distress, and are in danger of being unable to fulfil their fiscal obligations.
Gill replaces Carmen Reinhart as she returns to Harvard after a two-year public service leave from the institution.
More than 140 CSO groups and individuals call on the World Bank to focus on grappling with the harms caused by its undemocratic governance structure and biased publications like the Doing Business Report, and to take measures to decolonise the institution.