Under President Banga, the World Bank is going full steam ahead on agribusiness financing with a $9 billion annual commitment by 2030, but a CAFOD report highlights harmful gendered impacts of current approach to commercialising farming.

Under President Banga, the World Bank is going full steam ahead on agribusiness financing with a $9 billion annual commitment by 2030, but a CAFOD report highlights harmful gendered impacts of current approach to commercialising farming.
New seed law will benefit agribusiness but infringe on farmers’ rights to share and reuse their own seeds, which will undermine food security in a country where smallholder farmers grow most of the country’s staple food.
Notes from the Civil Society Policy Forum on 17 April 2024 titled "Agriculture, financialization, and gender: Exploring the World Bank’s response to interlinked phenomena"
The World Bank’s efforts to increase security of land tenure have largely amounted to a ‘formalisation’ of land property rights, which reinforce land inequalities and the disenfranchisement of rural peoples.
New report by Oakland Institute shows World Bank failing to uphold human rights standards resulting in violent assaults and evictions of Tanzanian pastoralists.
New CAFOD report exposes World Bank’s harmful approach to agriculture increases food insecurity in Africa.
World Bank and other international financial institutions need to ensure Ukraine’s agriculture sector reforms lead to increased liquidity for smaller farms and ensure local development, environmentally sustainable investments and a transparent land market.
Compensation claim before WorldBank’s ICSID raises questions about the value of special economic zones and fairness of ISDS mechanisms for Global South states.
New report from the Oakland Institute exposes the stealth take-over of Ukrainian agricultural land known as the “breadbasket of Europe”.
Action plan launched by Bretton Woods Institutions and other IFIs ignores role of corporatisation of agriculture in contributing to current crisis.