Financial liberation has had a significant effect on Uganda’s economy opening the door for significant foreign ownership while facilitating the ongoing extraction of wealth.
Private Sector
World Bank Group Evolution: Technical fixes or urgently needed reform?
World Bank Evolution Roadmap’s proposed superficial technical patches favouring the ‘logic’ of the market will likely fail to deliver the structural changes needed to support borrowing countries amidst global crises.
Private Sector
B-Ready for more ill-founded private-sector solutions
The World Bank released a concept note of Doing Business report replacement, B-Ready project, ignoring civil society demands of an independent evaluation.
Corporations are expanding control over Ukraine’s land with help from the IMF and the World Bank
New report from the Oakland Institute exposes the stealth take-over of Ukrainian agricultural land known as the “breadbasket of Europe”.
Civil Society calls for rethink of World Bank’s ‘evolution roadmap’ as part of wider reforms to highly unequal global financial architecture
Joint civil society briefing paper highlights concerns with the World Bank’s Evolution Roadmap, and provides a series of recommendations for a Roadmap that prioritises people, participation and the planet over profit and economic growth.
Private Sector
World Bank’s financial inclusion agenda blind to growing gendered over-indebtedness
The World Bank’s financial inclusion agenda in time of cost-of-living crisis, austerity and financialisation promotes indebtedness of the poor, especially women.
Private Sector
How IMF and World Bank support for financialisation undermines human rights
IMF and World Bank policies and programmes work in tandem to expand and deepen financialisation, exacerbating the inequality crisis and harming human rights, financial stability and democratic governance
Private Sector
World Bank’s re-labelled Business Enabling Environment Project does little to address substantial flaws of Doing Business Report
Civil society calls for urgent evaluation of Doing Business impacts as the World Bank announces a rebranded Business Enabling Environment Project, failing to address underlying issues.
Private Sector
Submission to the World Bank Consultation for the Business Enabling Environment (BEE) Project
A coalition of CSOs have delivered a submission to the World Bank raising the BEE is just a rebranding exercise that does not address longstanding issues in the Bank's engagement in private sector advice.
Private Sector
Private sector accountability in times of crisis
Notes from the virtual Civil Society Policy Forum session on 29 March.