A recent article in the Legal Times alleges that there is significant corporate lobbying of the World Bank.
Private Sector
Chad-Cameroon pipeline appeal for support
Cameroonian and Chadian groups are appealing for support during the last few crucial months before the World Bank decides whether to support the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline project.
Social services
Kyrgz mine spill lessons
A serious cyanide spill at an IFC- and MIGA-backed mine this May raises questions about the Bank Group environmental procedures for mines.
Green project causes plant closure
Bulgarian NGOs are angry about the sale of a major copper smelter to a Belgian company as part of a World Bank environment project.
Experts criticise Chad-Cameroon Oil Plans
Critical findings from a World Bank environmental team have set back the planned approval of World Bank support for the Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline.
Private Sector
Bank "Business Partnerships" scheme launched
The World Bank has committed $3 million to a “Business Partners for Development” initiative to undertake studies and pilot projects involving companies, NGOs and governments.