Zambian President, Fredrick Chiluba has blamed the IMF for Zambia’s economic problems, saying that the IMF’s reforms, advocated by rich countries, had brought unemployment and a rise in poverty levels.
Social services
Social services
Health Commission set up
The IMF and World Bank will participate in a commission of eminent economists chaired by Jeffrey Sachs on Macroeconomics and Health.
Bank to review India power sector reforms
The World Bank is planning an independent review of its power sector reforms in India.
Power company controversy after Orissa cyclone
A major beneficiary of World Bank-backed power sector reforms in India is US-based multinational company AES.
Social services
Population project fraud
A December, 1999 study by Dr. Vineeta Gupta of Insaaf International alleges serious malpractice in the World Bank’s Reproductive and Child Health Project in Punjab, India.
Social services
Bank feels heat on waste incineration
A report launched in June condemns World Bank support for medical waste incineration.
Social services
Bank doubts wisdom of private infrastructure
The Financial Times reported in July that World Bank East Asia Vice President Jean-Michel Severino admitted that the Bank and other organisations had been naive about the benefits of private infrastructure.
Confronting Gender Inequities and Political Disempowerment
The Women’s Eyes campaign was launched by women’s movements and NGOs to monitor World Bank progress in bringing its lending operations in line with the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women Beijing Women’s Summit in 1995.
Curbing corruption
IMF policies have exacerbated corruption according to a Christian Aid briefing on new approaches to debt relief.
IFI governance
Bank health loans fail check-up
The World Bank’s Operations Evaluation Unit recently criticised Bank loans for Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP).